Her name is Rachel

Her name is Rachel. She lost her job working in market research. Her boyfriend lost his job at Burger King. They are living out of a car. They tried the local homeless shelter but didn’t feel safe there because fights sometimes broke out. Her boyfriend just found another job but won’t start for a few more days. She still has her computer and does some graphic design work on the side. She charges very low prices so she is sure to get the work.
She stands at a busy intersection with a sign that says she is homeless and asks for help. It turns out there are a number of homeless people who share the corner and they have set up a kind of a schedule. I’ve probably driven by these folks 50 times but have never stopped. Of course I am too busy.
Her needs: a propane stove, a bottle of propane, some cans of tuna, and some granola bars.
Her response on getting this stuff: “I can cook now!”
Thanks to my friend Charlie for opening my eyes and heart to the homeless around me and suggesting the idea of helping the homeless once a month.

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