Crashing my bike

A few weeks ago, I realized that there is a pattern to when I get into bike accidents. Generally I’m going a bit too fast for the path that I’m on and I wander off the path at a turn. But I’m usually still on my bike at this point. I end up falling off when I try to ease my way back up onto the path without changing course and speed very much. I hit the edge of the concrete at a shallow angle and off I go. I’m learning that I need to stop my bike, get off, turn it around, walk back to the path, and then start up.

Similar story in my life too. It’s pretty easy for me to wander off the path. When I do wander, the best thing for me to do is to stop, turn around, make a conscious effort to get back on the path, and start again.

A book that I’m reading highlights the importance of silence, solitude, and simplicity to get back on track. May your New Year be filled with these gifts!

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